Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I get a ride?

    You can contact our 1-888-543-8686 number to connect directly with dispatch. If you have a non-trip related request, you can email us at contigoservices@contigomedical.com.

  • Can I request a driver?

    You may notify us of any special driver resuest anytime before your trip. We understand how important it is to be comfortable and will accomodate specific requests upon being notified in time. 

  • What if I can't find my driver?

    If your driver has not given you an phone call upon arriving at the time of you pick up, you make contact us at 1-888-543-8686 to resolve any possible discrepencies immediately. 

  • I have a trip but it's been modified?

    If there is a change before your trip: 

    Please immediately contact your insurance to correct the details which are then corrected with our broker that will update your trip. 

    If there is a change the day of your trip: 

    Please immediateltly call us at 1-888-543-8686 to notify of the change and determine a plan of action. Then immediately contact your insurance to notify of them of the exact same change you provided to us. 

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